Pain Management


Pain Care SeniorCare Physio The aged care industry is tightly regulated and relies on government subsidies to stay viable.  Our physiotherapy services can assist residential providers to maximise these subsidies both in high and low care through ACFI 12 (Complex Health Care - Complex Pain Management; Swelling Management) services.

SeniorCare Physiotherapy is at the forefront in developing and implementing ACFI 12 programs.  We have successfully operated them in a large number of facilities ever since ACFI was introduced in 2008.  All facilities have enjoyed a significant boost in funding and improved physiotherapy care.  It is indeed a win-win service.  A BIG win for the residents, a BIG win for the facility.

Based on the assessed need for residents, we aim to provide pain management under ACFI 12 Item 4a, 4b (therapeutic massage; electrophysical agent treatments by physiotherapists 4x/wk) and also under ACFI 12 Item 3 (heat/cold therapy with PTA and PCW/AIN/PCA).  We provide physiotherapy directives, care plans, evaluations and records sheet to support facility's funding claim.  We also work with ACFI 12 Item 12 for swelling management by prescribing compression bandages and stockings.

All this is done without any increase in stress to the facility's workload.  We've got it covered!

Contact us to arrange a presentation on the implementation of a Complex Health Care Program at your facility.


Our seniors deserve the best - personalised physiotherapy

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